ViennaSQL is a GUI SQL client written in 100% Java. ViennaSQL can communicate with any database that has a JDBC driver. It should run anywhere Java runs. I use it on Linux and Windows NT 4.0 with Oracle's 100% Java JDBC driver. ViennaSQL runs each query in a separate thread so the GUI remains alive while a query is running. These pages were completely rewritten over the weekend of 14th October 2000 using vim and hand-crafted HTML. The new pages don't use frames. I found Microsoft Front Page played some nasty tricks with the download links, so I won't be using it again. ViennaSQL has a new home: it is now hosted by SourceForge. The ViennaSQL project is at http://sourceforge.net/projects/vienna/. Other useful pages are:
This page is maintained by
Mike Wilson.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.